


Don’t Give Up

I wish you could see how strong you really are.
How capable.

How everything you’ve ever wanted is but a choice away.

That if you believed and saw the light within you’d be unstoppable.

I am learning that in order to make life happen you gotta really want it. You could have your dreams or you can have your excuses but you can’t have both.

It doesn’t even have to be difficult. There are ways to break down big goals into smaller bite size goals that can be easily accomplished. 

What do you want?
What do you truly want?

Are you afraid to dream big?

Or are you able to dream but tell yourself it just isn’t possible?

I’m here to tell you that you CAN dream big and you CAN make it happen.

The thing is, that BIG dreams require BIG action.

Are you up for the work?
Because nothing comes without energy. 
Energy will be needed to bring about that vision into reality.

It can be done in easy, small steps.

Are you willing to be patient?

Great accomplishments take time.

Are you willing to enjoy the process and be happy in the here and now as you move towards the climax of your life?

Are you willing to remain present? Remain joyful every step of the way?

Are you willing to stay committed? Encouraged even when there are unexpected setbacks?

Life is unpredictable. We gotta learn to adapt. Adjust. Be flexible.

Play. Dance. Move with the flow.

Know that you have everything it takes, keep at it, and don’t give up.


Believe In Yourself

Sometimes Pandora will shuffle and land on a song that reminds me of you. Of summer. Of New York City. All combined into a perfect little memory of moments where I felt so happy. So free. So fun.

But that’s not really what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about believing in yourself.
Standing on your own side no matter what.
Ignoring what anyone thinks of you and focusing on what you think of you, and making it be the best thoughts you can possibly think of.

Change the narrative.
Empower yourself.
Cheer yourself on.

Be like an obsessively loving parent who leaves sweet notes in your lunch box and cuts the crusts off your sandwiches in the shape of a heart.

If you feel like giving up but you know this path is what you really want then push yourself a little harder. A little further. A little longer.

Take breaks when needed. Come back to it when you’re rested.

Remember not to take life too seriously. Have more fun. Laugh more. Don’t rush. Breathe. Trust.

Be on your own side.

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