In the glorious words of Whitney Houston, “Close the door behind you leave your key. I rather be alone than unhappy.” 

I realize more clearer than ever that it is better to be alone than to be in the company of people who make you feel like straight up shit. Why kill yourself to please or give your time to people who make you feel insecure, unwanted, stupid, not good enough, self-conscious, and awkward?
Never again do I want to do that.
I feel like being cliché right now and saying something along the lines of “sometimes the mind just needs more time to accept what the heart already knows.”
I’ve been trying to rationalize the fuck out of a relationship that my heart already knew wasn’t good for me. I already felt like this person wasn’t making me feel good about myself. I already sensed that he made me feel insecure, stupid, undesirable, not good enough, awkward, self-conscious, and overall uncomfortable. Yet despite all the negative emotions this person triggers in me I still decided to spend more time with him.
Why do I do this sometimes? Not listen to my feelings? Try to talk myself out of what I feel?
No more, dude.
No more allowing people into my life who don’t make me feel loved, accepted, enough, and supported.
It’s insanity to do anything else! It’s insanity to spend time with people who don’t show you the care, love, respect, and appreciation you undoubtedly deserve. No more spending time with selfish assholes who make you feel not enough. I deeply realize I would much rather be alone than with someone who consistently makes me feel like an idiot, hideous troll scavenging through smelly garbage underneath a dirty bridge somewhere.
Be with people who adore you!!
Be with people whose glance mirror in their beeming eyes the perfect truth of who you really are – and YOU ARE: Mesmorizing, worthy of love and respect, beautiful, smart, capable, and ENOUGH in every way. Anyone who doesn’t reflect this truth back to you is clearly not someone you need around you!