When we were kids we had our parents there to say “No more video games. It’s time to do your homework.” They’d shut off the game, shut off the TV and have your whining, tantrum little self make your way to your desk to get your homework done.

When you didn’t feel like eating your veggies they’d tell you “Nah ah – you gotta eat your veggies.”

When you didn’t feel like waking up in the morning they’d come into your room and make you get up anyway.

When you didn’t want to pick up your toys they’d tell you “Pick up your toys or you can’t play with them next time.”

But now you’re all grown up. No mommy and daddy to tell you “Hey, put down that doughnut and eat your veggies!”

YOU have to be your parent. You have to be your own motivator. Your own guide.

This means that when you don’t feel like going to the gym, that’s when you have to tell yourself “No can do buckaroo, put on those workout clothes, get up, get going!”
This means that when you don’t feel like washing those dishes, you gotta parent yourself saying, “I don’t think so missy/mister – those dishes ain’t gonna wash themselves. Get to it!”

See, it’s not every day that you’re going to feel inspired or motivated to keep up with the tasks necessary to keep your life afloat. But if you want results in any area of your life then CONSISTENCY is key. This means, even when you don’t feel like it – you gotta force yourself to do so. No different than if you were a kid who didn’t feel like doing homework because watching another episode of Spongebob Square Pants would be waaay more interesting.

I know, I get it, you rather be watching Netflix while eating a carton of rocky road ice cream in your pjs rather than running on the treadmill after eating spinach. Me too.
But just because I rather do that doesn’t mean that I should. My parent self has to step in and override the childish, lazy part that just wants to ignore what’s going to take a little more effort out of me.

Consistency. Consistency. Consistency.

It’s not about “feeling like it.”

Stop waiting to fee like it because feelings are not consistent. One day you may feel like it, the next day you might not. That’s too bad. Whether you feel like it or not YOU GOTTA PUSH YOURSELF if you want true results.

Even if you LOVE your job, it’s not every day that you’re going to FEEL like going.
And sure you may call out sick once or twice or take a personal day, but that’s not sustainable on a regular basis.

Not feeling motivated all day every day is normal. We’re human. We get bored. We get lazy. We get into the “I really just don’t feel like doing anything today” mode. And it’s during these times that we have to really go into “robot mode” as I’d like to call it and do shit anyways because it’s in doing that we get results, regardless of whether we feel like it or not.